d. Marriage is created by God and intended for companionship thus to fail to keep my partner company is a violation of the word of God – Gen. 2:18;
e. That God intended that in marriage husbands and wives are to be closer to each other than to parents, friends, colleagues and other acquaintances and yet without allowing any aspect of the relationship to suffer – Gen. 2:24;
f. That only spouses who are redeemed in Christ and sure of their salvation and who walk in the power of the Holy Spirit can experience the full privileges of the marriage relationship and fulfill all their obligations to each other and to God;
g. That lack of peace and harmony at home is a hindrance to prayer – 1 Peter 3:7;
h. That marriage is a lifetime relationship that is to be enjoyed and only death can terminate – Matt. 19:1-9; and
i. That our homes should be a vehicle for evangelism and discipleship – Matt. 28:18-20, thus children, relations, friends, colleagues, housekeepers and neighbors are our mission fields.
THEREFORE, as children of God and desirous of a closer walk with Him we commend ourselves to Him and to His service through our homes. WE HEREBY individually and jointly in Fellowship resolve to pursue the following goals:-
- To live transparent Christian lifestyles as spouses – 2 Pet. 3:11;
- To build our homes on the foundation of Christ through the authority of God’s word and the power of the Holy Spirit – 1 Cor. 3:11; 2 Tim 3:16; Acts 10:38;
- To live with each other according to knowledge as God has given us the grace to do so – 1Peter 3:7;
- To interact with other couples for the purpose of building each other in the faith and to stimulate each other to love and to good works – Prov. 27:17; Heb. 10:24-25; and
To engage in the discipleship of other couples – 2 Tim.2:2.