Activity Details
- Activity Title : Godly children are for the man who fears the Lord
- Category : Article
- Activity Year : April, 2019
Only a man who fears the Lord can bring joy and blessing upon his family because his relationship with God and his spiritual condition opens a canopy for God’s blessing to rest upon his family. Therefore, over 96 couples, who attended one of the Christian Couples Fellowship (CCF) Retreats in Miango, were enjoined by the Speaker for this year’s retreat, Pastor Lanre Adeboye to leave a legacy of righteousness by walking with the Lord and raising Godly children.
Pastor Lanre said that it is a great labour to raise up Godly children but one with tremendous blessings. He spoke during this year’s CCF Retreat titled:
“But for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
Pastor Lanre said that raising Godly children entails so many things especially finding time for them. “You cannot raise Godly children without dedicating time to be with them. You must be where your children are,” he emphasized.’
He also said that couples must spend time to deliberately teach their children the way of the Lord to preserve their lives from the go-betweens of Satan that come in the persons and manners of Athaliah, that daughter of Ahab and Jezebel who married surprisingly to Jehoram, son of pious Jehoshaphat King of Judan. Her wickedness is well documented especially the introduction of the worship of Baal and the killing of all members of the royal family of Judah.
Pastor Lanre said the world is now full of Athaliahs and for any man who wants to say “but for me and my house, we will serve the Lord,” he must be concerned with the need to program their children’s future by teaching them Godly manners, which include contentment, courtesy, and faithfulfulness and righteousness. He warned that nothing should prevent couples from fulfilling this responsibilities – not even the culture of the people or peer pressures.
According to him the task of raising Godly children is easy if it is started early in the lives of the children – when they are still young and tender. It is much easier if the personal walk of the man in the house is based on the fear of God. “Your life is the hedge around your family. Your righteousness can keep evil (Athaliahs) away from your family. God’s blessing knows how to locate the man who fears the Lord. Don’t let profession, carelessness, laziness become gateway to incur the wrath of God upon your family,” he reiterated.